onsdag 13 juli 2011

Pictures from yesterday

Had a pretty rough yesterday, started early and ended late, stayed up and "party-ed" with The Ark and walked my ass home to bed at 2 o clock. Stayed up till 4 o clock just to edit some of the pictures before they went of to be published on the website. A swear on my life, my legs hasn't hurt that much since, well never.

I got a hold of a backstage pass and I even got to go up on stage, talk about happy girl. I got some really amazing pictures of the guys and there is more to come...This weekend there is a adult-party coming up, I guess I'll take some pictures there too and hopefully they'll turn out respectable enough to publish here.

fredag 1 juli 2011

I'm experiencing technical problems and it's impossible to upload pictures and I'm starting to get a little pist. So i hope it'll be better tomorrow...

bloody hell!!!

Life is like a party...

new years eve picture :)