Bilden är tagen nu precis i vårkanten och föreställer en blåsippa (tror den heter så) haha. Älskar verkligen att fota naturen och blommor, mest för att de gör som man säger. Och så blir dem oftast bra, oavsett ljus eller tidpunkt. Men ska nog snart dra mig ner till Ystad på kvällen och fota lite vid stranden, experimentera med slutartiden och få lite dimm-aktiga havs bilder.
Fast det får nog bli på sommarlovet, ska ta och göra en lista över saker som ska göras på sommarlovet, för detta blir nog det sista lovet som jag kommer att verkligen kunna ta det lugnt...ska ju sommarjobba (om jag får tag i ett) men det tar ju inte all ens tid. Förhoppningsvis!!
Vill ha tid för fotografering också!
As you can see I've changed the header, mostly because I have always had a hard time deciding, and above all to be happy. Ha-ha! But now I'm pretty happy, will probably never be completely happy without my CS5, that soon will be installed on my computer. I am so incredibly excited. Loved CS3 and 4, so my hopes are high on CS5! Can show you some things from it some day ...
The picture was taken just now in the early spring and depicts a blue anemone (I think it's called that) haha. I really love to photograph nature and flowers, mostly because they do as they're told. And so are those usually good, regardless of light or time. But will probably soon make my way down to Ystad in the evening and take some photographs at the beach, experiment with shutter speed and get a little foggy seascapes.
Though it'll probably be on summer vacation, I should make a list of things to do on summer vacation, this is probably the last vacation that I really will be able to take it easy ... except summer job (if I get hold of one) but it doesn't take all of your time. Hopefully!
Want to have time for photography, too!
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